Sunday, January 10, 2010

7 am

I close one eye as I focus on the landscape, picturing the colorful world in monochromatic shades. The shutter is the only sound in the foggy morning aside from the crunch of the gravel beneath my boots. There is a peace in my soul as I piece together snippets of the world around me. It doesn't matter what thoughts were previously running through my mind, they are pushed aside as soon as the weight of the camera is in my cold hands. It is moments like these that the world seems right, if only for a second. There is beauty all around, if only I could stop my whirlwind of a life more often for slow moments like this. I hold my breath as the sun breaks the softness of the morning, spilling over the eastern hills. I hold my borrowed camera trying to get the perfect shot, remembering to breathe, I exhale and fog up the lens. I laugh a little as I wipe it off, feeling more whole than I have in awhile. Chilled fingers, muddy boots, and runny nose - can you feel more alive than this?